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Premier Wen Jiabao and President Hu Jintao are both government officials that i respect a lot. Both of them are the governmental figures in China, head of the modern China that represents China to the world and to 1.3billion chinese citizens.
I read this statement from; a quote from Premier Wen Jiabao about his beliefs.In his speech, Wen reviewed the progress of the relationship between China and the US. He also commented on the milk scandal, saying "entrepreneurs should have morality running in their veins." And in a review of his career as Premier, he remarked on the legacies he wants to leave behind when his tenure is over: First, never flinch in the face of disaster but face it square-on. Be strong, courageous, and confident to lead the people to conquer difficulties. Second, the government should have no special powers apart from being a clean, responsible, dedicated servant of the people. Power belongs to people and is for the people....I hope after I die, people would remember me for sticking to these principles.If we can have these leaders in our government today, then i believe that our Malaysia will not have so much of these political tension, racism, races hatred and other much problems that we are facing right now. At least by then, the leaders will be able to focus on to the bigger pictures, the bigger goals, to develop Malaysia to be a 1st class country. Not a 1st class infrastructure but 3rd world mentality citizens.How can we expect the middle management and the average Malaysians today to behave and think, when the top management and the leaders are so corrupted in their mentality. It comes from the top. If our very top guys, is being pointed for lack of leadership, for creating scandals such as sexual, blowing up Mongol model, favourism and bla bla, how can we as an average Malaysian have ANY faith at all?I believe the lack of leadership is what Malaysia is facing right now. A leader whereby, he/she regardless of race but determine by the ability and credentials, is crucial for our progress. Peter Drucker has the most awesome examples how a leader should be. Go google or read here.
These are some of the finest examples from the legendary, Peter Drucker, rest in peace.1. Effective leadership is not about making speeches or being liked; leadership is defined by results not attributes.2. Executives owe it to the organization and to their fellow workers not to tolerate nonperforming individuals in important jobs.3. Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things.4. Most discussions of decision making assume that only senior executives make decisions or that only senior executives' decisions matter. This is a dangerous mistake.5. Rank does not confer privilege or give power. It imposes responsibility.There are more of these principles available anywhere in the internet and library. So instead of influencing our dearest "melayus" to mingle with politics and racial hatred, please ask them to read and understand more about these principles of a PROPER leadership and how other developing country runs their nation to become successful!
Update: This is hilarious and this is true as what i say. Updated from TheStar the reply from Murugiah, He mentioned that there are a lot of complains to ministries and there are supposed to handle these complaint. But what this stupid Syed Hamid says is that, don't interfere with other government dept. Stupid! Read the following statement from Syed about his pure stupidity.He also said that Murugiah’s action in speaking on behalf of Seputeh MP Teresa Kok who complained she was not served proper meals while in detention was akin to being a spokesman for the Opposition.I am seriously wondering, are they working for Malaysia or are they working for BN, opposition or anyone else. WTF?!?!? Don't they catch the point, that they are representative of Malaysia government working for the best, for Malaysia. Let me give you a simple example, and its called fiduciary relationship, when you go and see A doctor, this doctor will have to give you HIS BEST professional services and consultation regardless of who you are BECOZ he is A doctor! Back to this government officials and servants, it does NOT matter who YOU serve (BN, PKR, opposition) or which customer you serve, ie race or skin color (malay, chinese, islam, buddist, christian, non-believer), you are suppose to act behalf of the MALAYSIA government, NOT BN, not ISLAM, but Malaysia government. You have to give your best professional services or such such reply. *you are not from BN, so shutup!* is what Syed meants, IMHO!Why is that that if you are from opposition, or from BN, and you are speaking for opposition? WTF kind of fucking mentality from which fucking kampung is that? Is his working style and his mindset from 50 years ago, when he is still in his diapers during 1957? How can we have this kind of minister with these stupid mentality and mindset still elected and working in the MALAYSIAN government? Don't you agree? Stupid government and stupid system. Promote someone with an actual working experience, someone with a good attitude and good character with positive thinking and someone who thinks big, for the country, NOT for parties, then Malaysia will start to improve and at least Vision 2020 can be real!What is the fucking wrong with the fucking mind of these fucking people? One person claimed to be some official in Perak saying stupid things that never crosses in his stupid god-damn-mind and another is a pure stupid shithole bastard who looks fat and say things which is i think is so stupid!F-U-C-K!1!11!!!11!!!11!!!!!11!!!!!!1st scenario (archived from TheStar about some Perak official)The fucking animal fuck some Chinese national prostitute of some kind. He is a man and a ISLAM person. He should be believing in ISLAM religion. This is what he says in TheStar.Zul had disclosed that an Anti-Corruption Agency (ACA) officer claimed to have pictures of him having sex with a Chinese national.He had been quoted as saying “what is important is we did not ask for the women. He supplied them to us. If people sedekah (donate), don’t you want to accept the sedekah?”Can you imagine the fucking enormous ego of this fucker. He even have the dare and the guts to admit and compares this to a sedekah. He have those steel guts and steel balls to even admit it to another person, as if there is nothing wrong with it. AREN'T FUCKING AROUND IN ISLAM IS ILLEGAL? FUCKING ANOTHER WOMAN AS IF IT IS A SEDEKAH!OMFGCCBKNNHKCLCSHCCBKNNTNS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Scenario 2 about our dear Minister of Home Affairs (link from TheStar here)This dear minister of our own has so some twisted mind that he is more twisted than the joker (from the movie Dark Knight). At least in Dark Knight, the joker has some mental illness as an excuses and did not use ISA and races issues as his agenda.This fat fart is so twisted, until he can instruct ISA to arrest people. People that i believe has no direct harm to the country, eg terrorists and bombers, can now be arrested including a political blogger, an MP (representative of rakyat Malaysia) and a journalist. He is also a racial player and full of hate within him after reading his article and his quote. He like to use racial agenda and can still pretend to be a political straight and a professional. What i think he is?He is just a fat fart, who pretends he is very noble and acted behalf of ISLAM and BN "islamic ONLY" government, who got promoted to this fucking position and he uses his fucking power and authority to capture anyone that he thinks is incorrect or wrong. Direct quote from TheStar from this Syed Hamid."What he has done is not right. I hope he knows how to look after his own turf. He should not interfere in other people’s affairs. That is not his work."Can't anyone else make some comment or opinion heard? Is there NO freedom of speech or opinions anymore? Can't anyone make any complains about the government anymore? Can't they just complain that the food in the prison SUCKS? At least i can complain to KFC that their food sucks! I can complain to TESCO/GIANT/CARREFOUR that their milk is not safe now. CAN'T WE as MALAYSIAN talk at all now?I thought both of them are government officials that works for the SAME fucking FUCKING government? I thought they are all supposed to work and MAKE Malaysia better? Aren't they are paid from tax-payers money as their salary? Remember the movie V for Vendetta? I think our BN is exactly the same as them now. Run not by islamic background, but by evil minds!!!!Simple theory, IF you are working as president in this bank name XYZ and XYZ suffer loses and now the INVESTORS (investors in this scenario is MALAYSIAN, since we vote for the fucking government and we are a democratic country) are calling you to explain and resign. What are you supposed to do? *notice the word i use, "is MALAYSIAN", not Bumi, not chinese, not malay, not islam, not pendatang haram but 1 MALAYSIAN!*What this fucker did was, like, Hey! stay on your own turf as an investor or calling the vice president from another dept to shutup, as this is non-of-your-fucking-business, non-of-your-turf kind of reply. He uses security personnel of the bank namely Isa, to arrest those vice presidents and investors of the bank to the security jail and keep them in there for their "own safety" (Teresa Kok) and without trial or explaination for 2 years (RPK in Kamunting). There will be no Hari Raya for your, fuckers, who oppose me or make your opinions heard! You fuckers rot and die in jail! Hahahahaha.I think Malaysia is going to hell and BN is driving the bus. Anyone wanna follow?KNNCCBSHHKCKNNCCB!I have lost all my hope for this fucking LITTLE minded country of mine.
I like what she says about the situation in Malaysia. Reflects directly of what i think and what i feel. Read her post in Directly copied from her post.It’s really funny hearing the Babi warning against chinese being jews and taking over the country. It’s like hello, you think we like to live in this shithole of a country? I’d much rather migrate to any of the Top 10 cities in the world. They welcome young, capable adults like us with open arms. The ONLY reason we’re staying here and take your stupid shit is because our parents and elder family members are here and are (unfortunately) sentimentally attached to this country for reasons unbeknownst to me.BN. PKR. SAME SHIT DIFFERENT PARTIES. SAME DODGY CORRUPTIVE ASSHOLES. This country is heading for the shithole.You people who are abroad now. Just stay there and be happy don’t come back to this hot, hopeless shit.The last sentence sounds very familiar to me, coz i always uses this advise to feed into the brain of those working in Malaysia. To make them understand it, that there is, in fact A HUGE problem in Malaysia and IT is affecting the "2nd class" citizens of Malaysia, which is NON-MALAY population.KNNCCB!
I like this statement. I read this and a lot of other articles posted by RPK. His views is definitely rational and logical. I agree with him. Read this statement below plucked directly from his post in Malaysia-today about Spitting Into The Wind."The problem with Muslims is that they can’t accept differences. In fact, they do not tolerate differences. And this is only talking about differences amongst Muslims. Let us not even begin to discuss the differences between Muslims and non-Muslims. As far as Muslims are concerned, the topic of differences between Muslims and non-Muslims is not even a topic that’s open for discussion. It is a non-starter. It is a topic that only ‘deviant’ and ‘blasphemous Muslims of the worst kind’ would dare venture into. This is how Muslims perceive the topic of differences between Muslims and non-Muslims."What do you think?
Another fiasco with the race issue in Malaysia. As usual, it involved politics and mind tinkering from the politicians in Penang. This time involves this Bukit Bendera MP versus Gerakan party, a component within Barisan National. Of course, races issue and insensitivity is one of the topics and subject as well. Racial discrimination is rampant in Malaysia. Read more in Malaysiakini and Malaysiatoday.Check out this piece of world class news in the star about the whole fiasco here. Those added statements and the reaction from the crowd astonish me the most. These are the few:1. He from UMNO party blaming Gerakan party, which is a component party of BN, for the racial issues and be responsible for all the tensions in Malaysia. Character problems and racial discrimination are his "strength". Anything else are just bullshit, IMHO. Blamers!2. He repeatedly refuse to apologize to the public and chinese citizen, claiming Chinese are not Malaysian (indirect meaning anyway) and are just passing through the country only. I mean, i was born in Malaysia and i am proud to say to my friends, French, Aussies, Kiwis, Chinese, Japanese, Koreans and etc, that i am indeed a Malaysian! Do i claim myself to be a Chinese Malaysian? Or perhaps 2nd class chinese Malaysian? NO! I am anak Malaysia! WTF is wrong with the upper management in government? Fuck!3. The crowds that with him during the speech are mind blowing act. I will be fearful and run for my life if i am there. I will cold sweat, profusely. They thumped the table and shouted, "Hidup Melayu!", which means, long live the Malay! How about the Chinese and Indians and the minorities? Hide behind the bush la. Where else?4. They tear of Gerakan leader poster, Mr Koh. The sign of disrespectful and insensitive to another person, in regardless of races and positions. This act is inhuman. This act is similiar to barbarian living in the jungle thumping his chest. Shouting names of enemies. Disrespectful and no sense of a common human. C'mon. Mr Koh has a mother as well. He is just a person. In that, we have to respect him, as a person, in regardless of what he do in his job. Politics!I mean, what the fuck is wrong with them anyway? Can't they just work together for the sake of the nation. Is playing politics only the way of moving forward? Can't they be more professional in their job? C'mon. If they are to work in corporate, they will be the black sheep and fire from their ass long long time ago for the longest time. How the hell, with their attitude, mind playing, politics playing are going to survive in the corporate industry? I really believe the only way for our nation to move forward is to use professional and corporate approach in moving our nation forward. MPs and decision makers are to make decisions for the country in the parliment. Nothing else. Maybe perhaps going down to the rakyat everyday and help those in need.Let those business decisions, management decisions and everyday day to day work be done by professionals. Hire those competent person, with education, good attitude, good character, positive and good in their job to run the country. Run it like a Fortune 500 company. Bring the best talent and best management working together for a common goal and a common objective of the country. Let these management team think and do it. For long term, for a better future.If they are incompetent, sack them. If they are good, promote them. Like what corporate does. Look at Singapore. Look at how they run the country. All their ministers are university graduates? They have the ability and mindset to move the country. Look at our Malaysian ministers. Incompetent, politics player, racial insensitive and war mongering. There are no hope for us in Malaysia. Unless, some drastic movement is being made.I have suggestions. Anyone care to share?